Monday, March 3, 2014


• Anyone carrying it out testing should be a complete stranger to the puppies.
• The tester must be convinced about carrying out the activities that follow and truly feel he understands what he is doing.
 • The test area should be a room unfamiliar to the pups.
• The test time should be when the puppies are at their most active.
• Puppies should be tested individually so that the results aren’t skewed by the confidence-boost of having littermates there.
Test #1: Hold the puppy in your arms.
Demonstrates if the dog welcomes social domination.
Bend over and closely caress from the puppy’s scalp right down to the top of his shoulders. The dog’s head, neck and shoulders are prominent locations: whenever 2 dogs meet, the higher-ranking one will frequently place his paw or chin along the withers (the ridge between the shoulder bones) of the other.
An excellent puppy will most likely not object to this. He may whine, shake or maybe restrict for a moment, but he’ll chill out and in some cases lick you.
The dominating pup will probably object to your dominant stroking of him—he may possibly roar or try to hop on you. He may panic, wrestle or stay still and not snap out of it.
 Test #2: Pet the pup but do not carry him: communicate graciously.
Methods with regard to interest and desire about persons. Does he delight in person fondness adequate to function for it in training?
Bend down, clap both hands, but do not speak to to the puppy right away—just observe. an apt puppy will come right over, will remain with you, wagging his tail. A dominating pup might attack at you or stroll away disinterested.
 Test #3: speak to the puppy to you: stoop down, clap your hands,
whistle, tone motivating.
Bend over; open your arms for the most inviting posture. A perfect puppy should come over with tail wagging, self-confident, and happy. A domineering puppy may possibly overlook you, or arrive directly at you and nip, leap or throw into you when she gets there.
 Test #4: Will he pursue you?
Stroke the puppy, leave, then observe how quickly he comes after. An ideal puppy follows you.
A superior puppy ensues, but so tightly that he gets underfoot and might even attempt to attack at your feet or garments.
 Test #5: support the puppy off the floor: support your hands beneath his belly.

What does the puppy conduct when she has hardly any control and you have complete influence? Carefully raise her a few inches off the floor and retain the posture for 15 seconds.
An ideal pup struggles slightly, then calms in your possession.
A superior pup will certainly wrestle and attack and may bark, whine or attempt to chew your hands.
 Test #6: sit back and support the pup on her back in your lap: caress her tummy, talk reassuringly. What is her response to getting softly subdued?
a perfect pup will challenge quickly then rest.
A superior pup will certainly thrash close to to get away her back and might vocalize or attack.
 Test #7: locating. placed the puppy on the ground, obtain her interest by waving a ball or squeaky toy, and then move it along the ground. Create excited, stimulating, “Come on girl!” sounds to deliver it back.
An ideal puppy will run after the thing, play with it and perhaps even carry it back to you if you clap your hands and whistle. She’ll allow you to get it away without having too much resistance.
A dominating pup will follow the thing and lift off with it, neglecting you when you attempt to recall her. If you make an effort to bring it back she won’t give up it and may roar.

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